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Simple ideas to help YOU pray!

For Summer 2022: Pause, Rejoice, Ask, 'Yes':

Here are some ideas to help you find new habits of prayer, a different idea for each week of the summer holidays. 
You could end each time of prayer with the Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Week 1 Pause – w/c 8th August

Try spending time in silence, alone or all together – increasing the amount of time each day.  When we take the time to focus our minds and hearts on God we are making space for him to speak to us and to inspire our prayers.
You could...

Week 2 Rejoice – w/c 15th August

Write your own praise song, poem, prayer or even a rap, telling God how amazing he is and how happy you are to know him.
You could…

  • Stick a blank piece of paper on your fridge and each add a line everyday

  • Write a new verse each day

  • Use this outline to help you

    • God is ………………..

    • I am happy because ………………

    • Thank you God for ………………..

    • You make me feel …………………

(Rhyming optional!)   


Week 3 Ask – w/c 22nd August

Having got used to pausing and rejoicing in God we’re now in the right place to ask him to help yourself, your family or friends and the world.  
You could...

  • Use your hand and pray for 5 different situations (one for each finger) you want God to help with
  • Find some bubbles and as each bubble wafts up into the sky imagine it is a friend, family member or other situation coming into God’s presence and receiving his help.
  • Thread a small number of beads onto a thread to make a bracelet.  As you hold each bead pray for God to be present with a different person or situation.
  • Include the different areas of our parish listed one the Cycle of Prayer for our Parish page each day too.

Week 4 Yes – w/c 29th August

Often God prompts us to take action when we spend time listening to him and praying for people we know, this is our opportunity to say ‘yes’ to what he wants us to do.
You could...

  • Spend time in silence again, listening to God and seeing what ideas come to mind.
  • Find a pebble, lego brick or similar object each and hold it in your hand as you promise to take whatever action God is calling you to then carry it round in your pocket to remind you.
  • Pray through a Bible passage about behaviour, for example the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5 verses 22-23) and ask God to develop one of the fruits in you this week.


Remember to continue praying, using all these aspects of prayer each day or each week.


More General ideas:

Book of Prayers:  these can help when we do not know what to say, and also widen our horizons.
TCP: a simple formula:
Thanksgiving: Confession (sorrow for own mistakes and failings): Petition (asking for others and for ourselves)
Five Finger Exercise:
Index finger (for those who guide us): middle finger (for all leaders locally, nationally): ring finger (those in need); little finger (ourselves); thumb (our nearest and dearest).
Silence and Symbols:
Some people find silence, a picture, music or a symbol such as a cross a helpful way to focus in prayer.  Take time to be still: focus on a candle or symbol or use a phrase e.g. ‘Be still and know that I am God’; wait and see what happens, end with the Lord’s Prayer.


Online resources:

There are lots of different prayer sites on the web and many have good phone apps too.  These are some we have found helpful.                    

Morning Bell by Ian Adams: available via Twitter or Facebook, a photo and a phrase to ponder

Sacred Space; a gentle reflective space

Daily Prayer Online: with Thought for the Day; Reflection on a daily reading; Quiet Space etc…

Church of England daily prayer:  formal morning and evening prayers

Rejesus website: has an interactive daily prayer section

The Christianity website has a good section on prayer

If you would like us to pray for you please contact us.  God bless.

For your prayers

Please continue to use our weekly prayer cycle for our parish


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