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News from St Andrew's

Our news comes in two forms - Parish News, our online parish magazine and the email newsletter. The latest newsletter for September is below:  you can subscribe here and see past issues here.

The Parish News is available from the links alongside.

Harvest Festival is almost upon us, a sure sign that Autumn is here and the days are getting shorter. It’s a great opportunity to give thanks for all the wonderful gifts in our lives and to get ready for the reflective and exciting services ahead over November and December. I hope to see you at one of them.

God bless,Sally

Sally Robertson, Vicar, 07588594410

Community Memorial Service

Sunday 27 October 4pm

Our annual service to remember those who have passed away recently or longer ago will take place at 4pm on Sunday 27th October.  If you would like someone remembered with a lit candle, please add them to the list at church or contact Jo, by Friday 25th October.  The service will be in church and recorded so that it can be watched on our website from 7pm on 27th. 



Visit from the Bishop of Bristol
The Right Reverend Viv Faull, Bishop of Bristol, will be leading and preaching at Holy Communion at 10am on Sunday 27 October. 
Stewardship 2024
Sunday 13 October 
We will be launching this year’s stewardship campaign when we consider how we can help the work of St Andrew's on Sunday 13 October – if you are on the electoral roll you will receive a letter – otherwise, please see the giving page  
Monthly Lunch Club
Wednesday 30 October at 12 noon
The next meeting of the lunch club will be on Wednesday 30 October at 12 (venue TBA). If you would like to join, please contact Coral or 07867303516.


If you would like to be confirmed, or are even just thinking about it you would be very welcome to join a discussion group this Autumn, ready for the Confirmation service on 17 November at 3pm at Holy Trinity Shaw. Please speak to Sally if you would like to know more.
Spring Fair 2025
Date to be agreed
May Fair 2024 was such a great event that we want to do it again in 2025! 
Making it a success takes a lot of work, but together we can spread the load.  So we need lots of volunteers. With a wide range of jobs to do, whatever your gift, we can use it.  Please talk to Karen or Sally about how you can help make Spring Fair 2025 even bigger and better! 

Dates for your diaries

In November the services will be slightly different to our normal pattern
10th November 10am Morning Prayer with Act of Remembrance at 11am
17th November 10am Holy Communion (and no evening service).
Our Christingle Service will be on Sunday 1st December at 10am when you are invited to bring stocking fillers and sweet treats for the Boxes of Hope project. More Christmas service dates next month.



Visitors from Uganda
Monday 14 October at 7pm
On Saturday 23 November the AYF Band from Uganda will be performing at 7pm at Christ Church. It will be a great concert and tickets will be available soon. If you could host one of the musicians from Uganda for Bed, Breakfast and some evening meals from Thursday 21 – Sunday 24 November, help transporting them over that time or make a donation towards the costs of them being in Swindon, please let Sally know.
Bible Book Club
Monday 14 October at 7pm
Our next Bible book club meeting is at 15 Rackham Close. We will be looking at what the Bible has to say about Generosity. There is a list of Bible readings and some questions to help you consider this available on paper in church or on-line at
Services and events in October
All 10am services in church and on video -
others in church only unless otherwise specified

Sunday 6 October
10am Children's Harvest Festival service
 6pm Harvest Holy Communion
Monday 7 October
2.30pm Songs of Praise Ridgeway Rise, Richardson Road
Wednesday 9 October
11am Coffee, Prayer and Chat 
Friday 11 October

7pm Harvest Supper and Quiz
Sunday 13 October
10am Holy Communion
6pm Evening Prayer on Zoom

Monday 14 October
7pm Bible Book Club
Sunday 20 October
10am Morning Prayer
6pm Evening Prayer (Book of Common Prayer)
Monday 21 October
2.30pm Holy Communion Ridgeway Rise, Richardson Road
Wednesday 23 October
11am Coffee, Prayer and chat
Sunday 27 October
10am Holy Communion led by Bishop of Bristol
4pm Community Memorial Service

Wednesday 30 October
12 noon Lunch club venue TBA
Sunday 3 November
10am Children's Service
4pm Holy Communion

On those weeks when there is not an evening service at St Andrew’s we are offering Evening Prayer on Zoom at 6pm. Please join us from a computer, smartphone or tablet: by phone, 0208 080 6592 and enter 813 6651 6924 # when asked.

Please note we are now using the common chalice again for receiving wine in Communion services.  If you do not feel comfortable with this, you are welcome just to receive the bread.


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